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Providing a wide range of services related to the factory production lines. You will find yourself working in a true partnership


Providing a wide range of services related to the factory production lines. You will find yourself working in a true partnership


Providing a wide range of services related to the factory production lines. You will find yourself working in a true partnership

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    Наша локација

    Babush, Industrial Area, 70510 Ferizaj - Kosovo

    Е-маил & Број телефона

    [email protected]
    +383 48 668 007
    +383 49 400 700
    +383 44 142 121

    Радно време

    Пон-Пет: 9:00 - 17:00
    Суб: 09:00 - 15:00
    Нед & Празник: ЗАТВОРЕНО